Does the Digital Age Require New Models of Democracy? – Lasswell’s Policy Scientist of Democracy vs. Liquid Democracy


  • Jelena Gregorius Windesheim University of Applied Sciences, Windesheim Honours College



This essay provides a debate about Lasswell’s policy scientist of democracy (PSOD, 1948) in comparison to the model of liquid democracy (21st century) based on the question if the digital age requires new models of democracy. The PSOD of Lasswell, a disciplinary persona, is in favour of an elitist approach to democracy including elite decision-making, as well as the values of wealth and power. Liquid democracy, on the other hand, emerged from the notion that the Internet provides a vast amount of possibilities for a mix between direct and representative democratic aspects. The term liquid democracy describes a more “fluid and responsive participation of citizens in the democratic process through the use of both online and offline networks” (david, 2013). In general, one can say that both models have their drawbacks and benefits. Since there are new technologies available in the digital age, we should make use of them for the public good, but in order to not exclude anyone, there should be a mix between traditional and technology-based methods with regard to democracy.





